Oak Hill schools will be closed December 23 - January 3
No classes January 6 due to a teacher in-service
Classes resume Tuesday, January 7
Monday, October 10, 2022, 06:00pm
This event has been POSTPONED until a later date.
Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians......
Need Help Understanding the FAFSA?
(FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Plan to attend the OHHS FAFSA Informational Night!
Who Should Attend? Senior Parents/Guardians (Senior students are also welcome!)
A Financial Aid Director will be present to explain how to file the FAFSA, as well as answer any questions you may have about financial aid.
Questions?? Please contact Mrs. Spees, Guidance Counselor, at 740-682-7055
To see the meeting flyer, please click here.