Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio

OHSchoolBus ribbon

Legal Notice


Bids will be received by the Oak Hill Union Local School District (the “School District Board”) at 205 Western Avenue, Oak Hill, Ohio, 45656 for the purchase of the following:

72 Passenger School Bus (2 Units)

Bidders may obtain copies of the specifications by contacting Rhonda D. Harrison, Treasurer, 205 Western Avenue, Oak Hill, Ohio 45656 or phone 740-682-7595.

Bids must be received by 12:00 noon on March 12, 2025. Bids will be opened and read at the following location:

Oak Hill Union Local School District
Administration Office
205 Western Avenue
Oak Hill, OH 45656
If bids are submitted earlier than 12:00 noon on Bid Day, then forward them to the Oak Hill Union Local School District, Administration Office at 205 Western Avenue, Oak Hill, Ohio, 45656 c/o Rhonda D. Harrison, Treasurer. The bids must be sent in a sealed envelope and clearly marked:

Bid Enclosed: School Bus Purchase