Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio

BPA Students Recognized

Photo of Aiden Hall, Evan Fisher, Nate Clutters, teacher Tammy Roush, Philipp Schmittner, Maxine Carter, and Carly JonesThe following students were recognized at the February 2023 meeting of the Board of Education for placing in the BPA Region 2 Contests and earning the right to participate at the state level. Each student also received their Diplomat Torch Awards.

Pictured (L-R) are Aiden Hall - 1st place Meeting and Event Planning Contest; Evan Fisher - 7th place Meeting and Event Planning Contest; Nate Clutters - 5th place Digital Marketing Concepts; Philipp Schmittner - 2nd place Advanced Spreadsheets Contest; Maxine Carter - 2nd place Meeting and Event Planning Contest; and Carly Jones - 4th place Digital Marketing Concepts. Not pictured are Paige Hughes - 3rd place Business Law and Ethics Contest; Maddie Hughes - 6th place Meeting and Event Planning Contest; and Grace Russell - 8th place Meeting and Event Planning Contest.

Also pictured is Interactive Media Teacher Tammy Roush.

Millionaire Reader Recognized

Photo of Charlee ZinnSecond-grader Charlee Zinn was recognized at the February 2023 meeting of the Board of Education as a millionaire reader, having read one million words in AR. Pictured (L-R) are OHES Principal Rebekah Potter, Charlee, second-grade teachers Gean Ann Davis and Marcia Boggs.  

Crabtree Places 4th

KCrabtree apr22Congratulations to the Oak Hill Transportation Team for competing in the regional Ohio School Bus Driver Safety ROAD-E-O and Kevin Crabtree for his 4th place finish and qualifying for the state championship in Columbus.  April 2022