Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio

Students Recognized

Photo of elementary school perfect-score studentsAt the August meeting of the Oak Hill Board of Education, students were recognized for perfect scores on the spring state tests. 

Pictured (L-R, front row) are Haylee Lewis (Perfect Score Grade 4 Math), Sophia Ehman (Perfect Score Grade 4 Math), Parker Moore (Perfect Score Grade 3 ELA), Titius Little (Perfect Score Grade 3 Math), Mitchell Gilliland (Perfect Score Grade 4 Math). Back row: 4th-grade teacher Stacy Adkins, 3rd-grade teacher Gretchen Ehman, and OHES Principal Rebekah Potter. 
Photo of middle school perfect-score students Pictured (L-R) are OHMS Principal Josh Donley, Ty Irwin (Perfect Score Grade 7 Math), Kayleb Lewis (Perfect Score Grade 7 Math), and Chelcie Fowble (Perfect Score Grade 6 Math).

August 2023

2023 Hall of Honor

Photo of Superintendent Jason Mantell presenting the Hall of Honor plaque to Joyce McClurgPhoto of Mr. Mantell presenting a plaque recognizing the late Jack Woolum, accepted by Julie and Chuck Miller


The 2023 Hall of Honor inductees were announced at the August meeting of the Board of Education.

New Teachers Introduced

Photo of Chase Burdine, Principal Crabtree, Principal Potter, and Kendall HammondNew faculty members were introduced at the May 2023 meeting of the Board of Education. Pictured (L-R) are Middle/High School Intervention Teacher Chase Burdine, Middle School Principal Whitney Crabtree, Elementary Principal Rebekah Potter, and Grade 5 Teacher Kendall Hammond.

Board Recognizes Athletes

Photo of Track Team members recognized at the board meetingMembers of the Oak Hill Track, Softball, and Baseball teams were recognized at the May 2023 meeting of the Board of Education.

Pictured (L-R) are track athletes Garrett McKinniss, Reagan Michael, Kenton Michael, Walker Fowble, Caleb Chambers, Kade Kenzel, and Ivy Gentry along with Coach Mike Harden.


Photo of Kallan Kinzel and Camryn Kirby along with Principal Whitney CrabtreePictured (L-R) are softball team members Kallan Kinzel and Camryn Kirby along with Principal Whitney Crabtree.


Photo of Rylan Sams, Mason Davis, and Gavin Howell along with Randy LaytonPictured (L-R) are baseball team members Rylan Sams, Mason Davis, and Gavin Howell along with OHHS Principal Randy Layton.