Oak Hill Union Local Schools
Oak Hill, Ohio

2025 The Merrill C. Detty Memorial Scholarship

$500 Cash Award

Narrative: Merrill C. Detty was a lifelong resident of Oak Hill. He graduated from Oak Hill High School in the class of 1964. After graduation, he attended Salem College and later graduated from Ohio University in 1969; he returned to Oak Hill in the fall of 1969 and was hired at OHHS where he began a 35-year career teaching English, Speech and Mythology, as well as coaching football and track. He earned a Master's Degree from Ohio University in the spring of 1979, After 34 years of teaching in Room 38, Mr. Detty moved to the new high school to complete his final year of teaching before retiring in 2004. He said on numerous occasions his students were what he would miss the most. In light of honoring both Mr. Detty and his students, this scholarship has been established in his memory to help another student fulfill his dreams of becoming a teacher.

Scholarship Eligibility: Must be entering an Education program

Selection of Scholar: Personal Selection

Award Type: The scholarship will be paid upon presentation of proof of enrollment as a full-time student in an Education program. This proof of enrollment must be presented to the Oak Hill Union Local School District Treasurer.

To download an application, please click here.

Paper applications are also available in the guidance office.

Scholarship Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025 to the guidance office.