Apex Learning: Login page for administrative tasks (Site status)
Clever: Staff portal
District Forms for Staff: Forms used primarily by staff members
DRC Insight: TerraNova and InView login
Help Desk: District-wide tech support
McGraw Hill: Administrative login (Site status)
NWEA MAP: Measures Academic Progress (Site status)
Ohio Department of Education: Academic Content Standards, Certification/Licensure, Professional Development
Ohio Evaluation System: Educator logon
Ohio Leadership Advisory: Ohio Improvement Process, Curriculum and Common Core, Data Analysis, and more
Ohio's State Tests: For Teachers and Test Administrators (TIDE and TA Interface)
Ohio Test Prep: Ohio Test Prep for American History and American Government
PublicSchoolWORKS: Complete safety and compliance system
QUIA: Create activities, quizzes, games, surveys, and more!
SchoolMessenger: Staff logon
Senso: Staff portal - login with Microsoft or Google
South Central Ohio Educational Service Center: Assisting school districts achieve educational excellence
Study Island: K-12 state-standards-aligned practice and test prep (Site status)
Tools for Teachers: Educational resources and professional development from the ODE
United Healthcare: Staff health care information
Oak Hill Union Local School District on
2-Hour Delay
Wednesday, January 22
Limited busing in some areas
Oak Hill Middle/High School will open at 9:20am
Oak Hill Elementary School will open at 10:20am
No After School Programs
- Category: Resource Weblinks Resource Weblinks