100 Mile Club October Winners
Ms. Lloyd recently had a prize drawing for 100 Mile Club® members who have been actively participating in the walking program each week at recess. The two winners were Zachary Daft (L) and Katelyn Ratliff (R). Participation prizes will be given throughout the school year.
October 2013
100 Mile Walking Club '13
Thanks to a grant from the Active Schools Acceleration Project, Oak Hill Elementary students are participating in the 100 Mile Club®. This program provides the opportunity to run or walk 100 miles at school during recess, which improves school readiness to learn, creates better educational outcomes, building self-esteem and the overall health in the lives of children and others. Students are rewarded for reaching milestones, with incentives of t-shirts, pencils, and bracelets. When they reach the 100 mile milestone, they will be awarded a special medal at the end of the year. Currently, 62 OHES students are enrolled in the program.
October 2013
Handbook Artists
Pictured (L-R) are Hayden Coon, Brianna Moore, Evan Davison, and Gunner Shephard who are Oak Hill Elementary students. During the 2012-2013 school year they created the winning artwork for the school-issued agendas for the 2013-2014 school year. Great job kids!
Two-Millionaire Reader
Allisen Jones was recognized by the Board of Education at the September 2013 meeting for achieving the "Two-Millionaire Reader" level during last school year. Pictured (L-R) are OHES Principal Adam Michael, Allisen, and OHES Assistant Principal Whitney Crabtree.
Breakfast Blitz Grant